Ya están aquí las primeras opiniones sobre la esperada 'Liga de la Justicia' ('Justice League'). Esta tarde terminó el primero de los dos embargos impuestos por Warner, el que afecta a las reacciones en las redes sociales (hasta el miércoles no pueden publicarse críticas), y ya tenemos en Internet una oleada de comentarios que invitan a un moderado optimismo.
Pese a todos los problemas que se señalan, al menos no es mala. Es lo primero que he pensado al leer los mensajes publicados en Twitter porque sospechaba que la iban a masacrar pasara lo que pasara. Quizá ocurra más adelante, cuando los críticos más "serios" compartan sus veredictos, puedes comprobar que en estas primeras reacciones hay mucho fan del cine de superhéroes.
Se dice que la narración es "desastrosa", "caótica", y que "no es genial" pero está bien, es "divertida"; los héroes reciben aplausos y parece que el villano es un punto en contra (lo cual era de esperar al saber cómo rodó el actor sus escenas).
Se comenta que es mejor que 'Batman v Superman' y que el Universo DC por fin va por buen camino. A continuación he recopilado numerosos tuits para que puedas comprobar lo que se está diciendo:
Justice League is not a perfect movie. It has story "flaws" and a simple, CGI villain.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 10 de noviembre de 2017
BUT, more importantly, it gets the heroes right. Every member of the League is fantastic and it's tough to choose a favorite.
It's a ton a fun, start to finish.
#JusticeLeague is solid entertainment despite some problems. They pulled off a strange alchemy that works better than it should. The story is lacking, but the League is great and it’s a blast to watch them in action together. Wonder Woman is clutch, obvi.
— Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Justice League is better than expected, but not a home run. The interaction between the team is a lot of fun. The film sends the DCEU in a hopeful direction in line with where the brand should be headed. Flash and Aquaman steal the show. Cyborg and villain are the weak links.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) 10 de noviembre de 2017
The good: #JusticeLeague is my favorite DCEU movie. It will make you love its heroes and want to see them team-up again. pic.twitter.com/mU2khvwUPD
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) 10 de noviembre de 2017
The bad: #JusticeLeague rushes through a lot and its main story/lore and villain are rather stripped down and forgettable.
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) 10 de noviembre de 2017
I have a lot to say about ‘Justice League’ but will wait till it’s released to really get into it. But two important things to know: stay till the very end of the credits and Jason Momoa (@PrideofGypsies) is awesome as Aquaman. pic.twitter.com/Pg6cKCZAEo
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague exceeded my expectations! JL was a BLAST! Don't go in thinking a Nolan lecture, it's an action popcorn movie (which felt like it should've been released during the Summer) and it was dope❗️The dork in me was ecstatic! Killed it! pic.twitter.com/WFUC1ADBGq
— Ken Pejoro (@Powerless_ness) 10 de noviembre de 2017
There were moments in #JusticeLeague when I sat there and said “holy shit they actually did it” to myself. And moments where I was all V upset. It’s a mixed bag trending towards a good movie.
— Conner Schwerdtfeger (@ConnerWS) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague was good & very fun. It’s going to be popular w/audiences, not only fans but mainstream viewers & families.
— Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Justice League is the DC team up you've been waiting for. I had so much fun from beginning to end. The expansion of DC mythology will make fans go nuts. Superman though!
— Nate Brail (@NateBrail) 10 de noviembre de 2017
SO I saw #JusticeLeague -twice. Still under embargo, but: This is a fun superhero flick. Funny but still hero adventure. Reminds me of JL Unlimited ep. Likable interaction amongst recognizable heroes. There is a villain problem (no worse than Marvel's) - @aaronsagers
— SYFY WIRE (@SyfyWire) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is a fun blockbuster that is entertaining enough to overcome its flaws. The team works well together to deliver more than a few spectacular superhero moments worth seeing on the big screen.
— Sean Gerber (@MrSeanGerber) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Maybe not quite what some hoped, but definitely not what many feared.
JUSTICE LEAGUE! It's okay. Narratively it's a mess, the stakes don't work & the villain isn't great. HOWEVER, the heroes ARE great, it's funny, & there's some surprisingly effective character work. I didn't love it, but there are enough good pieces to excite me for the future. pic.twitter.com/OY4ARJ5vDY
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is better than BvS and #SuicideSquad - it's lean, mean & packed w/ superhero action. I dug most of its lighter moments & I think it has one of the best action sequences ever in a DCEU movie. And of course Wonder Woman steals the show. pic.twitter.com/rW3UjpBUMk
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) 10 de noviembre de 2017
JUSTICE LEAGUE is ZACK SNYDER’s movie. With the exception of MAYBE ONE scene, the movie didn’t feel like it jumped in tone from Snyder to Whedon. I’ve seen it 2x.
— Kevin McCarthy (@KevinMcCarthyTV) 10 de noviembre de 2017
To be clear, JUSTICE LEAGUE is DIRECTED BY ZACK SNYDER. Snyder’s presence is felt throughout ENTIRE film.
❤️�� pic.twitter.com/eZ2k9xw65u
I saw #JusticeLeague! Here’s what I thought. There are ton of things I’d change but it comes down to this: I had a blast! I got to see the team together and I had fun watching it. Ezra Miller steals the movie and #WonderWoman was perfect! pic.twitter.com/rgCI9fUuTs
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Here it goes … #JusticeLeague is super thin and has some very weak CG but it’s got heart and a positive vibe that works. Overall, I had a pretty good time and am looking forward to seeing more of these characters.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is fine. It's more coherent & less idiosyncratic than Batman v Superman (which I loved, so make of that what you will), and tries very hard to lighten up on the gloom & doom of the DC universe. There are jokes and everything!
— Angie J. Han (@ajhan) 10 de noviembre de 2017
Nothing could save JUSTICE LEAGUE from its loud, ugly, tacky self. Not Wonder Woman, not wide-eyed Ezra Miller, not Joss Whedon's quippy teardown & rebuild. And Henry Cavill's mustache is an actual issue; they gave him Uncanny Valley Face. Oof, guys. It's a rough ride
— Josh L. Dickey (@JLDlite) 10 de noviembre de 2017
I am genuinely happy to report #JusticeLeague is a lot of fun. It's not perfect and has its problems, but does the job of making you care about these characters as a team by its end. It's also VERY funny, in lots of unexpected ways. pic.twitter.com/1AAjYgv16i
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is a tonal disaster from start to finish filled with awful CGI and terrible writing. Steppenwolf one of the worst villains to be on the big screen. Snyder has failed again.
— ǝʇndɯoɔ ʇouuɐɔ ɹoɹɹǝ (@OptimisticFan13) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is a fun, bumpy ride that succeeds in character, but fails in narrative. It’s a mixed bag of execution that’s saved by the actors, who rise above the shortcomings to deliver an engaging, funny and hopeful, yet flawed, entry to the DCEU. @joblocom
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is clunky & uneven as hell, but it also gets the characters right and has a lot of fun along the way. When it’s over DC’s vision for these heroes going forward will make sense.
— Conner Schwerdtfeger (@ConnerWS) 10 de noviembre de 2017
It’s a very small but very vital step forward. I dug it. pic.twitter.com/FrWkhBe69v
#JusticeLeague was entertaining for a good portion of the time though thin on storytelling and character development. There's more fun, humor and heart than BvS but it also feels very rushed with some scenes given zero time to develop.
— Dennis Tzeng (@ThinkHero) 10 de noviembre de 2017
#JusticeLeague is good!
— Mike Rougeau (@RogueCheddar) 10 de noviembre de 2017
(And I can finally talk about it!)
Wonder Woman is wonderful, Aquaman is surprisingly cool, Flash is hilarious, Batman is drunk, the story is coherent, and it's all surprisingly funny. It's not perfect, but really enjoyable!
Full review to come! pic.twitter.com/YzgSL4FBOP
Recordemos que 'Liga de la Justicia' se estrena el 17 de noviembre. El reparto está encabezado por Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa y Ray Fisher. Zack Snyder figura como único director en los créditos aunque Joss Whedon se incorporó durante la fase de post-producción para regrabar escenas y ayudar con el montaje definitivo. Por cierto, se ha confirmado que tiene una escena post-créditos así que hay que quedarse hasta el final.
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¿Sabes que tu bebé necesita dar patadas?
Ya es oficial: 'Liga de la Justicia' durará 121 minutos, la película más corta del Universo DC
La noticia Primeras opiniones de 'Liga de la Justicia': caótica pero divertida, mejor que 'Batman v Superman' fue publicada originalmente en Espinof por Juan Luis Caviaro .
Atribución de la publicación original:
De: Espinof
Publicación: https://www.espinof.com/estrenos/primeras-opiniones-de-liga-de-la-justicia-caotica-pero-divertida-mejor-que-batman-v-superman
Autor/Editor: Juan Luis Caviaro
URL: https://www.espinof.com
Términos de búsqueda: Cine, Películas, Trailers, Series, Videos, Cartelera
Fecha: November 10, 2017 at 02:01PM
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